Stay in Touch

A system that monitors and facilitate healthy long-distance relationship through establishing and maintaining communication contracts


MFA  Individual Thesis


Jan.2021 - Now


Adam Smith

Joel Rosen

Mike Strobert



Since the pandemic, almost all kinds of relationships have been reshaped. The only way for people to contact others is through the Internet. Some people can quickly accept this new way of socializing, but others still feel uncomfortable and no confidence to manage their relationships in a virtual world. Even more, they usually don’t realize the importance of managing a long-distance relationship until the relationships become unhealthy whatever family affection, friendship, or love.


Design a system including a mobile app with a watch that monitors and facilitates healthy long-distance relationship through establishing and maintaining communication contracts


View connection list in circles 

The outermost circle: need immediate attention

The middle circle: relationships are ok

The innermost circle: just got in touch

Quick actions to reach out 

Dragging an inspired photo as camera background, you can adjust the darkness and opacity to follow the pose guidance


Relationship health report & communication record

Follow the composition guidance, you can take pofessional photos for objects

Reply a whisper 

Dragging an inspired photo as camera background, you can adjust the darkness and opacity to follow the pose guidance


To be continued!

Stay tuned!

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